From time to time I've written about Georgetown Park Mall. Generally my comments are negative, but with reason: its a commercial wasteland in the middle of the village where I live. Since the corporations that own it (Angelo Gordon and Vornado) have loads of money, the complications and inattention are inexcusable, even factoring in the dismal state of retail in the era after the Wall Street crash. The place is just so damned depressing. But, I like to give the benefit of the doubt. Today I walked through. 4:30 in the afternoon. Sunny outside, pleasant temps, no snow/ice/sleet or rain to keep away shoppers, but I swear, it was the loneliest place in Georgetown. Yes, there were a few people--the shoeshine man read the newspaper, a kiosk vendor stared into the middle distance, two women changed the diapers of their babies. No one appeared to be shopping.
Rather than my word alone, I took a few Blackberry photos. I'll let them tell the story:
Can't something be done? An emporium of pop up stores? An indoor skatepark? Afternoon dance hall/yoga? Perhaps put the Georgetown under-age bars in there and the over-drunk teenagers can run wild - but safe inside, with buckets for vomit and cots for passing out. Jesting aside, I meet people who want to open quality retail in Georgetown but they say the rents are too high, that landlords are uncompromising. How could rents at Georgetown Park Mall I be more than about $20 a square foot, if that? Won't someone, landlord or tenant, take the risk? I agree with Topher Mathews: hand the keys to Anthony Lanier, as it should have been long, long ago.
I think the mall is a wasteland. It's depressing to even step foot in there. It's sad that there was a hope of reviving it with Bloomingdale's and the opportunity was lost. With this weather being what it is, it would be nice to have an indoor space nearby that would be fun to hang out it in.
Posted by: PK | 02/03/2011 at 03:12 PM
Thing is, Georgetown Park is beautiful. I wish Bloomingdale's had taken residence because it could have meant a resurgence of the mall. I think the DC DMV must bring some business in as would Clyde's exit into Georgetown Park. I hope something can be done because it's beautiful. It just needs some life pumped into it. I wish people knew the National Pinball museum was there. I do patronize Georgetown park. I like to get a massage and take out at Clyde's. During Christmas, I patronized several retail stores. I really miss Talbot's!
Posted by: Ellen Hilburn | 02/02/2011 at 08:07 PM