I figure if you read my blog with any regularlity you also follow twitter. I'm on twitter. I post things there that I don't post here, sometimes both here and there, and sometimes only Facebook. It depends. I tend to follow more people on twitter than I follow on Facebook. If that's possible, twitter has a little more intellect. Debateable, I know, but an opinion. Of the people I follow often, Norm Macdonald ranks high. I'll probably never meet this guy -- wish I could, we have friends in common -- but there's so much pleasure in reading his sports tweets. He follows golf with a passion that speaks to me. His observations about football are the same. Not really sentimental at all, but caring and sharp. Gosh, he's good.
So, I have to ask. Why aren't the networks wooing this guy? Did Dennis Miller ruin network sports for all comedians? Norm is cut from a different cloth. He's cool. He's smooth. He's, I think, Canadian. Not an ass. Damn. I've had a brain crush on him since SNL. But that was for his comedy. The crush grew deeper when I realized he understood sports. Then it became appreciation. Opened my eyes. Changed my mind. He's more than just a funny guy. Kinda like Jay Mohr, who with his witty podcast proves hes more than an eager actor. I love all these guys.
If I had a network deal I would produce a sports show with Norm as host and Jay as sidekick, plus some legit retired players, and I would have Norm do principally football and golf and whatever else he wanted. It would be priceless. But he'd have to continue to tweet also. And do a podcast. I'd have my pal Harry Shearer do basketball.
Will someone please write me a big check so I can do this for Norm, assuming it is exactly what he wants. I know. I know. Everyone wants Norm. A time will come.
Hay, he can come do my show and we'll talk golf and football the whole hour. I'll be embarassed but honored. Norm. Open invitation.
Are you kidding? Is this supposed to be ironic? Is this Madonna?
Hmmmm, let's see, would anyone give Norm Macdonald a sports show? How about this one!? http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/sports-show-with-norm-macdonald
Yeah, SPORTS SHOW with Norm Macdonald, go figure! How lazy are you (as your pop culture savvy didn't already know said show existed and was cancel led after nine episodes) that you couldn't be bothered to Google "Norm Macdonald"?
Enjoy mediocrity.
Posted by: E | 09/28/2012 at 02:16 AM